Responsible Investment Charter

Plant-E Corp is a new breed of investor-owned utility focused on decarbonization and renewable energy. Our mission is to create long-term value for our investors. Our participation in the markets increases the efficiency of the network, reducing costs to the consumers while creating a better future for everyone.

Vision and Values

As an asset manager, Plant-E Corp aims to generate a positive long-term return in a controlled risk environment. The firm's decisions aim to maximize the chances of its sustainability. Thus, the firm aims to create and preserve value over a very long-term horizon.

The infrastructure investment strategy places the firm's decisions at the heart of preserving the benefits they generate in communities and regions far from urban centers. At the same time, it generates solid returns for investors.

Sustainable development is at the heart of the investment strategy. By making renewable energy generation assets its only infrastructure assets, Plant-E Corp ensures the long-term viability and minimization of negative impacts of its investment strategy. As a fiduciary to the sponsors of its funds, Plant-E Corp aims to carry out its investments and projects with the utmost respect for environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) concerns.

In addition to operating within a framework of minimizing social and environmental impacts, Plant-E Corp supports, internally and through its relationships with its partners, the most demanding ethical standards.


Sustainable development in infrastructure requires the integration of ESG considerations into a global approach to investment, in accordance with the local socio-economic context.

Thus, Plant-E Corp is committed to ensuring that ESG considerations are an integral part of its activities, both in terms of the operation of its assets, its investment decisions and its choice of suppliers.

With regard to the environment:

  • We will ensure, through our activities, to contribute in a sustainable way to the development population centers near which our investments are located.

  • We will assess the impacts of our investment projects on climate change, and will take into account the results of our analyzes in our decision-making.

  • We will strive to apply best environmental practices when planning and implementing our investment strategies.

In terms of social responsibility:

  • We will give community participation and engagement a prominent place in our projects.

  • We will ensure the safety of all personnel working on our project sites at all times.

In terms of governance:

  • We will act fairly, honestly and transparently with our partners, sponsors and any other stakeholders.

  • We will encourage fair operating practices, for our activities and those of our partners

  • We will continue to adopt fair wage practices and fair employment practices. These considerations will be taken into account in the choice of our partners.

Plant-E Corp's ESG policy will be updated on a regular basis so that it follows the evolution of its portfolio and can respond to any new concerns.


The integration of ESG considerations is an integral part of Plant-E Corp's investment process, from the conception of a project to its operation.

Plant-E Corp has the expertise and data to make informed investment decisions and optimize the performance of its portfolio of assets to deliver sustainable returns for its limited partners.